Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Search

I am in search. By that I mean for a bloging identity. I've decided that I may aswell let you in on a bit of a secret. I used to have another blog. It started out as a way to vent feelings. And generally just what ever I was thinking about. That was until a few people discovered it. This isn't going to be one of those stories where you hear of someone who's internet connections have led to death or anything of that sort. Not at all. The people are great, and I actually really liked it for a while. But here's the thing: as we got to know each other I lost a lot of my anonymousity (word?). I simply miss that. I like the idea that I can be anyone, maybe you know the feeling. As time went on it became about my boring life, and then summer came and I got out of the system. So now lately, I've been blogging for the sake of keeping those online friends updated rather than for the joy of it. And it's probably a true statement to say that freedom was lost without realizing it.

Sorry if that was a bore to read. I've made a second gmail account so that this is not connected with that at all. Not in anyway. To relate things back again, I'd like to find myself again as the writer of a brand new and different blog.

-peace out, P.Apple

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