Saturday, October 11, 2008


I was in Toronto last night, and like any major city, the night sky is never known to be superb. Well, I have I one comment to simply make. I think it's pretty cool that despite all the many thousands of lights that there were, that there are bright enough stars for us to see. I think I could have counted with ease at least 10 stars, if not more. No where near as impressive as Belize or Africa, or even camping on a clear night. The of my hometown doesn't even compare to those though.

There are two things I know for sure make me stand in awe. The first is by far everything about the sky; the stars and the moon mostly, but also all the different possible arrangement of colours and clouds, and also the beauty and physics of a rainbow. (Whether you can see it or not everyone rainbow has a double rainbow, did you know that?)

The second is frogs. The whole life cycle of that species amazes me. I have a pond in my backyard. It's fun to first see the eggs and then slowly watch the tadpoles grow. Awesome.


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